Sabtu, 22 September 2012

22 September 2012

arghhhhh bosan bosan dan bosan buat hari ini..
tak ada yg speciall :(
mondar mandir dikamar gak jelas...
untung td my mochyy sempetin nelp ditengah kesibukan'a.
yahhh sedikit menghibur....
untung bbm masih bisa walau gak terlalun intens.
tp bt nya masih sangat terasa...
mau nglanjutin nerusin skripsi gak mood n gak ada feel nya...
arghhhh suram sekaliii...
sepertinya mau lanjut baca novel aja saat ini..
semoga bsk feel ngerjain skripsi lagi baik n bisa selesaiii..
kangen  mochyy tp yahh udahlah dia lagi kerja untung cm 3 harii..

Tapi aq bersyukur buat hari ini, karena Tuhan slalu  memberkati keluarga n semua orang yg aq kasihi sehingga mereka sll dalam keadaan baik2 saja.
Trimakasiih Tuhan untuk semua cinta yg berkelimpahan yang kau berikan padaku..
I Love You Jesus

Senin, 13 Agustus 2012



A : Aku tdk menyukai istriku lg !
B : Pulang dan cintailah dia
A : Anda tdk mengerti aku, aku sdh tdk punya perasaan itu lg.
B : Pulang dan cintailah dia
A : Tetapi scr emosi aku berarti tdk jujur kalau aku memperlakukan istriku spt itu, pdhl aku tdk merasakannya.
B : Apakah menurutmu Ibumu mencintaimu?
A : Tentu saja (dg mantap)
B : Kira2 1 minggu stlh ibumu plg dr RS & membawamu plg, dan kamu menangis menjerit2 di tengah mlm krn popokmu basah dan dia terpaksa bangun walau tubuhnya masih sangat letih, berjalan di lantai yg dingin tanpa alas kaki utk mengganti popokmu dan menyusuimu. Apakah menurutmu dia sungguh2 menikmati itu semua?
A : Tidak (menunduk)
B : Kalau begitu. Apakah Ibumu secara emosi jg tidak jujur?

Ukuran besarnya cinta bukan krn dia menikmati mengganti popok di tengah mlm, melainkan krn ibumu RELA melakukan itu semua meski dia tdk begitu menyukainya.

Pernikahan tdk hanya didasari persaan Cinta, lbh dari itu yaitu KOMITMEN.
Saat pertama seseorg menikahi istrinya pasti krn cinta, ttp cinta yg menggebu2 akan padam seiring dg berjalannya waktu.
Hanya Komitmen yg membuat Cinta manggebu2 menjadi Cinta yg matang dan dewasa.
Lalu.. Apa yg disebut dg Cinta Sejati ?? Cinta yg sifatnya turun ke bawah, yaitu cinta yg tdk memikirkan untung rugi, cinta yg rela berkorban demi seseorg yg dikasihinya. Inilah cinta yg hrs diusahakan dlm setiap Pernikahan.

Ada org berkata "aku cinta kamu".. berarti : "aku ingin memilikimu & biarlah kamu kumiliki" adalah cinta yg egois krn hanya bergantung pd Perasaan seseorg. Sebab perasaan akan dimakan oleh wkt dan bisa saja perasaan ini muncul pd diri org lain/pasangan org lain.

Suasana hati mudah berubah, kondisi fisik semakin tua dan tdk menarik, komitmenlah yg menyelamatkan pernikahan.. Berani melakukan sebuah "tindakan" baik dlm keadaan suka maupun tdk utk mengasihi pasangan & mempertahankan Pernikahan yg telah Tuhan anugrahkan.


dear someone :

karena sealu membuat kamu marah
karena selalu membuat kamu benci sama aku
atas semua kepedihan yang aku timbulkan
karena selalu membuat kamu ngalah dalam segala hal
karena aku selalu keras kepala
karena telah membuat kamu masuk kedala kehidupan ku
karena aku harus pergi ninggalin kamu

karena kamu telah membuat hari-hariku indah
karena kamu telah memperlihatkan mata yg plng indah yg pernah aku lihat
karena kamu telah membuat aku memiliki semangat untuk hidup
karena kamu selalu menganggap aku pintar
karena kamu membuat ku sadar bahwa kita harus berjuang untuk hidup dan bahwa hidup ini harus diarungi melalui semangat,perjuangan dan kemauan keras
karena kamu telah memberi kebahagiaan terbesar dalam hidupku
karena kamu telah luar biasa sabar menghadapi aku,karena telah mengajarkan aku untuk mendoakan agar orang yg aku cintai bahagia,
karena telah mengubah hidupku yang kosong,karena telah menjadi satu-satunya orang yang bisa membuat ku mengalah,
karena telah memberikan sesuatu yang selama ini ga aku kasih ke kamu,karena telah menjadi pria yang luar biasa dan ngga tertandingi yang pernah masuk dalam kehidupanku,
karena kamu telah menjadi malaikatku selama ini....
aku ga akan kemana-mana !

10 Hal Yang Tidak Dapat Allah Lakukan

10 Hal Yang Tidak Dapat Allah Lakukan

1. Allah tidak dapat berhenti mencintai mu. Dari jauh TUHAN menampakkan diri kepadanya: Aku mengasihi engkau dengan kasih yang kekal, sebab itu Aku melanjutkan kasih setia-Ku kepadamu.. Yeremia 31:3.

2. Allah tidak dapat berhenti memikirkan mu. Dan bagiku, betapa sulitnya pikiran-Mu, ya Allah! Betapa besar jumlahnya! Jika aku mau menghitungnya, itu lebih banyak dari pada pasir. Apabila aku berhenti, masih saja aku bersama-sama Engkau.. Mazmur 139:17-18

3. Allah tidak dapat meninggalkan engkau. Kuatkan dan teguhkanlah hatimu, janganlah takut dan jangan gemetar karena mereka, sebab TUHAN, Allahmu, Dialah yang berjalan menyertai engkau; Ia tidak akan membiarkan engkau dan tidak akan meninggalkan engkau. Ulangan 31:6

4. Allah tidak dapat kalah. Tetapi syukur bagi Allah, yang dalam Kristus selalu membawa kami di jalan kemenangan-Nya. Dengan perantaraan kami Ia menyebarkan keharuman pengenalan akan Dia di mana-mana. 2 Korintus 2:14

5. Allah tidak dapat mengingat dosa-dosa Dia memilih untuk melupakan. Aku, Akulah Dia yang menghapus dosa pemberontakanmu oleh karena Aku sendiri, dan Aku tidak mengingat-ingat dosamu. Yesaya 43:25

6. Tuhan tidak bisa melanggar janji. Aku tidak akan melanggar perjanjian-Ku, dan apa yang keluar dari bibir-Ku tidak akan Kuubah. Mazmur 89:34(89:35)

7. Allah tidak dapat berprasangka. Lalu mulailah Petrus berbicara, katanya: "Sesungguhnya aku telah mengerti, bahwa Allah tidak membedakan orang. Setiap orang dari bangsa manapun yang takut akan Dia dan yang mengamalkan kebenaran berkenan kepada-Nya. Kisah Para Rasul 10:34-35

8. Allah tidak dapat tidak kudus. Dan mereka berseru seorang kepada seorang, katanya: "Kudus, kudus, kuduslah TUHAN semesta alam, seluruh bumi penuh kemuliaan-Nya!" . Yesaya 6:3

9. Allah tidak dapat mengambil pekerjaan yang Dia tidak bisa menangani. Ah, Tuhan ALLAH! Sesungguhnya, Engkaulah yang telah menjadikan langit dan bumi dengan kekuatan-Mu yang besar dan dengan lengan-Mu yang terentang. Tiada suatu apapun yang mustahil untuk-Mu! Yeremia 32:17

10. Tuhan tidak bisa lelah. Tidakkah kautahu, dan tidakkah kaudengar? TUHAN ialah Allah kekal yang menciptakan bumi dari ujung ke ujung; Ia tidak menjadi lelah dan tidak menjadi lesu, tidak terduga pengertian-Nya. Yesaya 40:28 

Jumat, 20 Juli 2012

Thx"z God :)

masa galau udah lewat...
Trimakasih banyak Tuhan...
Aq tau semua ini adalah proses yg harus  aq lewati..
sekarang aq tau jawaban dari semua ini...

Rabu, 13 Juni 2012


Berhenti bertahan pada sesuatu yang sebaiknya kamu lepaskan. Melepaskan dia yang kamu cinta tak berarti kamu menyerah, karena itu hanya berarti kamu menyadari bahwa ada beberapa hal dalam hidup ini yang tak bisa dipaksakan. Terkadang, dengan melepaskan, kamu akan temukan dirimu yang lebih kuat, dirimu yang lebih bahagia, dan lebih dewasa dalam menghadapi berbagai masalah.


Cinta mengubah caraku berpikir, caraku bertindak, pun mengambil keputusan. Terkadang, aku melawan prinsip dan keyakinan dalam hidup.
Hingga akhirnya aku sadar, mencintai tak berarti aku selalu bahagia. Terkadang, cinta memberi rasa sakit. Namun sering kali aku dibutakan untuk melihat kenyataan yang ada.
Dan ya sekarang aku tahu, melepaskan adalah jawabannya. Tiada guna aku bertahan jika harus terus kesakitan. Dan aku belajar untuk mengikhlaskan dia yang aku cinta bahagia bersama orang lain, dari pada ia merasa kesepian jika tetap bersamaku.

yayaya berat memang jika kata2 hanya menjadi sebuah kata2. kenyataannya sakit jika kenyataan hanyaa menjadi sebuah pilihan buat orang yang paling berarti buat aq.
adan aq temukan cuplikan pepatah yang pas bgd ma aq :
Ketika seseorang memperlakukanmu hanya sebagai satu di antara banyak pilihan, bantulah dia dalam memilih dengan cara menghapus dirimu dari daftar yang dia miliki.

Terkadang kamu harus berusaha tuk tidak peduli, tak peduli betapa kamu sesungguhnya peduli. Karena terkadang kamu harus menyadari bahwa kamu tak berarti apa-apa bagi seseorang yang berarti segalanya bagimu.

Ini bukan tentang harga diri yang terluka, tapi tentang menyadari betapa dirimu terlalu berharga tuk menjadi sebuah pilihan bagi seseorang yang kamu tempatkan “number one” di dalam hidupmu.

Jika kamu mengelilingi dirimu dengan mereka yang memberi dampak negatif dalam dirimu, maka jangan berharap tuk melihat perubahan positif dalam hidupmu. As simple as that! ^^

Jangan sisihkan seluruh waktumu untuk mereka yang hanya mengahmpiri hidupmu ketika mereka butuh sesuatu.

Jangan menerima begitu saja apapun dalam hidupmu, jika kamu tahu bahwa itu tak sesuai dengan apa yang pantas kau dapatkan.
Well, sadari bahwa dirimu itu BERARTI!

ya aq memang berarti seenggaknya buat diriku sendiri. yang aku lakukan saat ini
Kadang lebih baik menjauhi seseorang, bukan karena berhenti mencintainya, namun karena harus melindungi diri dari rasa sakit.
sebenernya pengen juga sii menjauh tapi sulittt. hahhahhaha. sungguh ini memang sangat konyol,krn diotakku hanya dia dia dan dia.dan bahkan yg menyedihkan belum tentu dia mikirin aq.Sedangkan aq slalu dia>arghhhhhhhhh.ini sungguh bodoh.lelah rasanya lama2 dalam kedaaan ini,aq ingin keluar dari kotak ini.kotak yg isisnya hanya dia.
move on move on..
tapi susah...
temen2ku juga mungkin juga mpe capek ngingetin move on move on...oooooo move on dimana dirimu..

yaya ada yg bilang kita harus berterima kasih pada sesorang yg melepaskan kita kasarnya meninggalkan kita, karena dengan begithu kita berkesempatan bertemu orang yg jauh lebih baik segalanya dari dia...
yayaya semoga itu benar adanya.

orang yang menyakiti tak pantas kita pikirkan sejauh n sedalam ini yang hanya menyakitkan kita.
mungkin benar jangan berhubungan bahkan kalo dia hubungi kita diemin aja. Bukannya jahat.tapi jika kita terus2an respon baik dia kan nglunjak n gak merasakan bagaimana dia kehilangan kita.
biarkan dia pergi. kuncinya sih IKHLAS.
ya aq yakin bisa lakukan semua itu.
sekarang saatnya aq konsentrasi ke skripsi bukan ttg dia lagi


Dia Hanya Ingin Menjadi “The Only One” di “Hatimu”

kutipan ini aq ambil dari pepatah.
aq suka sekali cerita cinta yang selalu di update oleh pepatah

Masalahnya, kamu tak menyadari betapa dirimu begitu berarti baginya. Meski dia sangat ingin menyapamu, dia menunggumu melakukan sedikit saja usaha untuk menunjukkan bahwa kamu sungguh peduli tentang dirinya, dan dia sungguh berarti dalam hidupmu.
Dia ingin menjadi seseorang yang mampu membuatmu tersenyum. Dia ingin menjadi salah satu yang akan kamu berbagi cerita ketika tak seorangpun ingin mendengarkan. Dia ingin menjadi seseorang yang mampu menyemangatimu untuk terus bertahan ketika kamu merasa tak ada lagi alasan untuk terus berjuang. Dia ingin menunjukkan bahwa apa yang dia rasakan adalah sesuatu yang “Nyata”. Dia bersedia melakukan apa saja hanya untuk kamu tahu bahwa dia peduli padamu dan ingin menjadi milikmu.
Tapi dari semua inginnya itu, dia ingin tahu apakah kamu bersedia melakukan hal yang sama untuknya, bahwa dia adalah seseorang yang penting bagimu, bahwa tak peduli betapa buruk hal yang menghampiri, kamu tak akan pernah pergi darinya, kamu akan selalu mencoba untuk menunjukkan bahwa dia pantas kamu perjuangkan.
Dia yang akhirnya mempercayaimu dengan membuka hatinya untukmu, bahkan dengan menyadari dia telah memberimu kekuatan yang mampu membuatnya terluka kapanpun kamu mau, namun dia tak peduli akan hal itu karena dia percaya kamu takkan melakukan hal itu, karena dia percaya hanya kamu yang pantas mendapatkan hatinya.

So, jangan pernah manfaatkan itu, dia hanya ingin menjadi “The Only One” di “Hatimu”.

Jumat, 01 Juni 2012

my favorite flower garbera and edelweis

It is a herbaceous ornamental plant flowers of not. Indonesia calling it as a community gebras or hebras. This plant is one of the ornamental plant arrivals from a foreign country (introduction) and allegedly came from South Africa, North Africa and Russia. I really like all the flower colours are diverse and garbera. very interesting. I often buy my home near garbera flowers home from college. I often put them in a vase of flowers and I put on the table to learn. I used to think the flower is the flower of daisies garbera.

I almost liked all kinds of flowers. I also love flower Edelweis. flowers story has many edelweis unique and interesting about love. Edelweis (sometimes written eidelweis) or Edelweis Jawa (Javanese edelweiss) also known as Perennial Flowers that have latin names, Anaphalis javanica is endemic zones alpina/montana at various high mountains Indonesia. The plant can reach a maximum height of 8 m with stems reaching a human leg although generally does not exceed 1 m. plants flowers are often seen as celebrating love, sincerity, sacrifice, and eternity is now categorized as rare plants.

Edelweis also symbolizes the sacrifice. Because of this interest is only grown in peaks or slope-the slope of the mountain so high to get it requires very heavy struggles. Coupled with the existence of a ban on bringing home flowers, pickers should play hide-and-seek with the Rangers officer.
The most interesting, although the learned this interest will not change shape and colour, as long as the stored in a dry room temperature. Therefore, according to the people is the flower of immortality. edelweis Flowers make love agan to sista will remain immortal.

But precisely and these that make edelweis digging his own grave greed a  mountain climbers and myths this has made edelweis as a flower rare even at risk of extinction . A study conducted by judge luqman in kasodo , tourism , and local people perspectives for tengger highland conservation , concluded that these plants extinct of national park bromo tengger semeru.

When a plant is a pioneer for Edelweis land young volcanic mountains in the forest and was able to maintain his survival in a barren land, because it is capable of forming mikoriza with certain soil fungus effectively extend the region spanned by its roots and increase the efficiency of nutrient substances in search. Bunga-bunganya, which usually appear between April and August, the highly favored by insects, more than 300 kinds of insects such as fleas, tirip, butterflies, flies, wasps, and bees are seen to visit him.
         i really like garbera  flowers 
                edelweis flower

Double French Twist Hair

When want to party sometimes we confuse our hair want to model what so impressed made a graceful but simple. Style double frech twist is very popular amongst artists even as also was on the red carpet. How to make hair order is quite easy. So you can replicate it. A hair style is highly favored among teenagers and mature.
How to make the:
 1.Make sure hair is prepped first. 
 2. Divide the hair into 3 sections: first take a centre parting all the way down to the nape of the neck so you have two sections. Then divide another section from recession to crown to recession. Pin the top section out of the way.
3. Back comb the two side sections to give them volume and height, still keeping them separated. 
4. Brush one side section back to the centre and twist it in on it self (similar to a French roll / French twist). Pin it in place.
5.Brush the other side section to create the same twist on itself so that it meets at the back centre parting of the head. Pin it in place. Now you should have the two lower sections pined in place at the back of head to create two French twists.
6. Take out the top section and back comb to create height. 
7. Blend the top section with the rest of the hair and brush it back to the crown area. Tuck the top section underneath itself and pin in place. 
8. Adjust the height accordingly and once you’re satisfied, spray with hairspray to set it in place. 

Kamis, 31 Mei 2012

Remove and handle

A little tell you about my grief lately that made me feel a little lost myself were . This is really ridiculous, but why it is precisely this fact that I experienced.
Love change my way of thinking, acting, any decisions. Sometimes, I'm against the principles and beliefs in life.
Finally i am aware love meaningless i always happy . Sometimes , love give pain . However often i blinded to see the fact that exist . And Yes now I know, letting go is the answer. There is no order to endure if I should continue to be in pain. And I learned to handle him I love happy with someone else, than she feel lonely if you still with me. It's hard to actually get to the ladies to be with other people.But this indeed should I do. Because I am sure there is a more beautiful life in there. But i am sure i can get used without him . If someone decided to go of your life , let him go . You might miss him , but you must can live without him .
Unnecessary trouble for revenge, pretty please excuse any errors. Due to forgive is the best revenge.
So now i have one more love myself from him who had hurt me . When i felt very sad i remember a single word : when you feel nobody cares about you. Reflect, the people you see , more than anyone needs you !

Enjoy Relaxing with Bertha :)

Enjoy the evening while looking the sunset accompanied by a cup of tea, it's still not enough. So you need to escort a really yummy ... Yep Yep use materials that are easy to come by and do not need to spend a lot. Pizza noodle fit served in the evening or in the morning for breakfast.

Pizza noodles prescription :

1.    1 packet of fried noodles
2.    1 packet of seasonings (onion fritters fried noodles and seasoning powder. Soy sauce and oil need not  be included)
3.    1 egg-size large
4.    ¼  teaspoon salt
5.    Chedar cheese grated
6.    Tomato sauce
7.    Butter

How to make
1.    Boil noodles until half cooked. Then remove and drain. Noodle pieces with a knife.
2.    Mix seasoning fried noodles, salt and 4 drops of the tomato sauce into egg and then beat with a spoon until well blended.
3.    Put the noodles into the egg mixture and mix well.
4.    Prepare a frying pan (teflon) anti sticky then spread with butter. Then reheat over low heat.
5.   Pour the batter into the skillet and then roll out the noodles. Spread with a little tomato sauce. Give sprinkles of cheese to taste
6.    When it is cooked, remove and serve with tomato sauce and grated cheese sprinkles.
7.    Enjoy

Tip :
1.    A batter to try to heat so as not to a small flame burned .
2.    Flipping a batter a one-off not be done in order to be troublesome .
3.    Flipping to means easy namely by aid large plate or cover saucepans engraved clean . Turn a frying pan into a plate then drop pizza into a plate . Return it to a griddle again by means shake plates .
4.    If you like to be given additional spicy sauce spicy sweet .
5.    Pizza noodles can also be added to other ingredients such as sausage and vegetables.

                           Enjoying life is not always expensive

Rabu, 25 April 2012

Yogyakarta Batik

Yogyakarta Batik is the typical handicrafts and souvenirs which are much sought after tourists. In 15th-century art of batik has

Yogyakarta Batik is the typical handicrafts and souvenirs which are much sought after tourists. In 15th-century art of batik has started to progress and develop. When it gets batik art from the influence of Buddhism, Hinduism, and Islam against the existing style of batik. In this Age of the batik were made only in an environment favored by the daughter of the Palace and the Palace.

Batik has a variety of motives. Not only from within the country, batik there originated from foreign countries, like Russia.
In Indonesia, batik is also varied, including Batik Yogyakarta and Solo batik. Although both use ukel-cement and cement, but in fact these two different batik. The difference is in color. Jogja Batik is white with black shades, while the Solo batik yellow with no white complexion.

Use of this batik cloth also vary. In the Kraton Jogja, there are rules about the use of batik cloth grip of this. For a wedding, batik fabrics used must be patterned Sidomukti, Sidoluhur, Sidoasih, Taruntum, or Grompol. While for Mitoni event, which may be imposed batik cloth is batik-patterned cloth picis Ceplok Garudo, Parang Mangkoro, or Gringsing Mangkoro. Some examples of classical motifs such Yogyakarta: Parang, Geometry, latticework, ivy, Motive Water plants, flowers, animals in life and others. Use of Batik today not only as a fabric, but also as apparel, Bed Cover, Pillow and others.
Currently batik has become a new trend in society. Not only clothing that uses batik as a fabric material. Pillowcases, gordyn, and bed sheets have also been using batik cloth. This is a good beginning for the preservation of batik art. Initially have to love first, then comes a sense andarbeni (a) and end-uri nguri (preserve).
This awareness has begun and continues to be encouraged. Batik Kraton Tamanan was formed to specifically Kraton Jogja batik motifs.

Jumat, 20 April 2012

Tugas Bhs Inggris. Softskill Meeting 3


1. Which of the following is NOT true ?
A.   Winners placed olive wreaths on their own heads.
B.   The games were held in Greece every four years.
C.   Battles were interrupted to participate in the games.
D.   Poem glorified the winners in song.

Answer : C. Battles were interrupted to participate in the games.
Reason : Battles were not interrupted, but stopped because to allow the games to take place. look in line 15

2.  The word “elite” in line 5 is closest in meaning to…
a.  Aristocracy
b.  Brave
c.  Intellectuals
d.  Muscular
Answer:  A.  Aristocracy
Reason:  Elite and aristocracy have the same meaning “the most powerful members of a society”.

3.    Why were The Olympic Games held?
a.    To stop wars
b.    To honor Zeus
c.    To crown the best athletes
d.    To sing songs about the athletes

Answer : B. To Honor Zeus

Reason : Look in line 1, the first Olympic Games were held at the foot of Mount Olympus to honor the Greeks’ chief God, Zeus.

4.   Approximately how many years ago did these games originate?
A.   800 years
B.   1200 years
C.   2300 years
D.   2800 years
Answer : B. 1200 years

Reason : let’s count from the first year the games held, in 776 BC untill now 2012….it is about 1236 years or approximately 1200 years.

5.  What conclusion can we draw about the ancient Greeks?
a.  They were pacifists
b.  They believed athletic events were important
c.  They were very simple
d.  They couldn’t count, so they used “Olympiads” for dates

Answer:  B.  They believed athletic events were important   
Reason:  In the first paragraph is written “The Greeks emphasized physical fitness and strength in their education of youth”.  So they believed athletic event like Olympic Games were important.

6.   What is the main idea of this passage?
a.    Physical fitness was an integral part of the lives of the ancient Greeks.
b.    The Greeks severely punished those who did not participate in physical fitness programs.
c.     The Greeks had always encouraged everyone to participate in the games.
d.    The Greeks had the games coincide with religious festivites so that they could go back to war when the games were over.

Answer : A. Physical fitness was an integral part of the lives of the ancient Greeks.
Reason : Because in line 7 indicates thatThe Greeks emphasized physical fitness and strength in their education of youth. If seen from the other answer, the Greeks did not provide punishment severe if not participating in the phisycal fitness program.  The Greeks  had not always encouraged everyone to participate in the games, only the elite, military and males who had no criminal record. The the games it’s not coincide with religious festivite.

7. In line 14, the word “deeds” is closest in meaning to…
A.   Accomplishments
B.   Ancestors
C.   Documents
D.   Property

Answer : A.   Accomplishments
Reason : in Indonesian, deeds meaning to ‘perbuatan’. But in this case, the winners of Olympic were having poems sung about their deeds, so ‘deeds’ more refers to ‘accomplishments’ that meaning to ‘prestasi/pencapaian’.

8.      Which of the following was ultimately required of all athletes in the Olympics?
a.    They must have completed military service
b.    They had to attend special training sessions
c.     They had to be Greek males with no criminal record
d.    They had to be very religious

Answer : C. They had to be Greek males with no criminal record
Reason : Look in line 6 indicates that “ but later the games were open to all free Greek males who had no criminal record.”

9.   The word “halted” in line 16 means most nearly the same as...
a.    Encourages
b.    Started
c.    Curtailed
d.    Fixed

Answer : C. Curtailed
Reason :If translated into the Indonesian language halted it’s mean diberhentikan same with Curtailed which mean dibatasi/dikurangi. While Strted it’s mean nenek dimulai, Encorage  it’s menganjurkan  and fixed it’s mean pasti.

10. What is an “Olympiad”?
A.   The time it took to finish the games
B.   The time between games
C.   The it took to finish a war
D.   The time it took the athletes to train

Answer : B.   The time between games
Reason : look at the first line in the second paragraph; The Greeks attached so much importance to the games that they calculated time in four-year cycles called “Olympiads”.

1. The defendant refused to answer the prosecutor’s questions…..

A.   Because he was afraid it would incriminate him
B.   For fear that they will incriminate him
C.   Because he was afraid that his answers would incriminate him
D.   Fearing that he will be incriminated by it

Answer : C.   Because he was afraid that his answers would incriminate him
Reason : there is a complete independent clause and dependent clause, and match in tenses.

2.  Mrs. Walker has returned …..
a.  A wallet back to its original owner
b.  To its original owner the wallet
c.  The wallet to its originally owner
d.  The wallet to its original owner

Answer:  D.  The wallet to its original owner
Reason:  The sentence composition more complete than others, so the information that is given more clearly.  The difference of option c and d is in Indonesian, originally means “semula or awalnya” but original means “asli”.  So the best answer is d.  The wallet to its original owner.

3.   The hospital owes.....for the consrtuction of the new wing.
a.    The government twenty million dollars
b.    For the government twenty million dollars
c.    To the government twenty million dollars
d.    Twenty million of dollars to the government

Answer : A. The government twenty million dollars
Reason  : Because in this sentence cannot use a preposition (like for, to, and of) when the indirect object precedes the direct object.

4. Sarah…..that she could not attend classes next week
A.   Told to her professors
B.   Said her professors
C.   Told her professors
D.   Is telling her professors

Answer : D.   Is telling her professors
Reason : Sarah is telling her professor that she could not attend classes next week. The tenses is must be present continuous because the event is happening now, that sarah is telling her professor about her presence matter for the next week class.

5.  The artist was asked to show some paintings at the contest because …..
a.  He painted very good
b.  They believed he painted well
c.  Of their belief that he was an good artist
d.  The judges had been told of his talents

Answer:  D.  The judges had been told of his talents
Reason:  Because the context is right and there is a sequence of tense “past tense with past perfect tense”.

For number 6-10 colors used for selection of answers Red for (a), Pink  (b), Green (c) and Blue (d).

6.  If motorist do not observe the traffic regulations, they will be stopped, ticketed, and have to pay a fine.
Answer : D

The correct sentence:  If motorists do not observe the traffic regulations, they will be stopped, ticketed, and fined.
Reason : The sentence above must be parallelism. Stopped and ticketed, both of them are verb…but have to pay a fine is a new clause, so it must be change with verb too, such as ; fined.

7.      Fred, who usually conducts the choir rehearsals, did not show up last night because he had an accident on his way to teh practice.  

Answer : C
The correct sentence : Fred, who usually conducts the choir rehearsals, did not show up last night because he had had an accident on his way to the practice.
Reason :  We should use the past perfect tense to emphasize that an action in the past finished before another action in the past started.  And the accident is already happen before he show up conducts the choir rehearsals.

8.   A short time before her operation last month, Mrs.Carlyle dreams of her daughter who lives overseas.
Answer : C

The correct sentence:  A short time before her operation last month, Mrs. Carlyle  had dreamed  of her daughter who lives overseas.
Reason : Because ‘the dream process’ is perfectly ‘finish’,  so we should use the past perfect tense.

9.    The atmosphere in Andalucia is open, warm, and gives a welcome feeling to all who have the good fortune to visit there.
Answer : B

The correct sentence : The atmosphere in Andalucia is open, warm, and welcome to all who have the good fortune to visit there.
Reason : Because this is the shape of Parallelism. So, “gives a welcome feeling” must be renamed by  welcoming.

10.  Some
of the people were standing in the street watched the parade, while others were singing songs.
Answer : C

The correct sentence:  Some of the people were standing in the street watching the parade, while others were singing songs.
Reason : The sentence above must be parallelism. Standing and Singing, both of them are verb in present continuous / the happening event. So watched must be change with the same tenses too.

Rabu, 18 April 2012

Tips to get the heart of the beloved

A friend of mine asked me for advice on how to get the girl of his dreams. I thought I would share with the rest of the male population out there who are clueless about this topic. I had to laugh when he talked about this. but does it matter when he comes to love. he had long left his girlfriend for being different beliefs. but After I gave 10 tips to get the love, that I remember ever in magazines when I was junior high school. Eventually he secured a lover too. I am happy with this part. It turns out my tips successfully. May be useful also for friends.

1. Be yourself.
If you're not, sooner or later, your true nature will reveal itself. Besides, girls like a genuine guy who isn't afraid to embrace both his strengths and weaknesses.

2. Win over her friends' hearts.
Do this first and you're sure to get their approval. If and when she goes to them for advice, since her friends like you, they'll encourage her to pursue her romantic intentions concerning none other than you!

3. Play hard to get.
This should be done with caution and in moderation. All I'm going to say is that girls love the chase and a little challenge just as much as guys do. Wait more than 5 milliseconds before replying to her IM. Be exciting. Be mysterious. Make her wonder. And don't be a doormat and/or too agreeable! It will help your love blossom and keep her on her toes!

4. Be confident.
Man up. Believe in yourself. Confidence is inspiring, infectious, and extremely attractive.

5. Have a passion.
No, I don't necessarily mean the burning passions that lie within your heart and body... Have something you're crazy about (besides her!), be it a sport, music, literature, anything! There's something about people who are passionate about something in life and are driven that is very admirable. Plus, you can always teach her a little something about whatever it is you like.

6. Be a gentleman.
Be polite; obey the rules of chivalry. Be her knight in shining armor - charming, dependable and well-mannered. Do your homework on what you should be doing: opening doors, paying for dinner, being respectful...whatever! However, don't be too nice and afraid to engage in a playful debate.

7. Make her giggle.
Don't be afraid to flirt or crack a joke! We know you're a funny guy deep down inside. Being able to make her laugh will put you in a whole new light and will help you relax, too!

8. Do your homework and a little research.
NO, this does not mean stalk her online or in person. Be vaguely familiar with what she likes, talk to her friends for help (this can be a biggie), impress her by remembering what she says or knowing a little about something she likes. You don't have to be a total expert, but this is a good backup plan for when you're at a loss for words. Just don't be creepy by knowing EVERYTHING.

9. Do NOT be awkward.
Even if you feel awkward, don't act like it. Pretending that everything is just fine and dandy will work. Just keep the convo flowing and stay relaxed! Harder than it sounds, I know.

10. Be patient.
Don't rush into things. As corny as this may sound, let your love blossom! And if it doesn't, don’t push it. Maybe things weren't meant to work out. Don't stress and move on; the world is full of chicks waiting for you to woo them.

This advice should be taken with a grain of salt. Everyone is different and the methodology of winning a girl's heart varies from couple to couple. Heck, it might not even work out for you two, but don't despair. There's someone out there for everyone. Just be patient. Good luck and happy wooing.


When talking about Gudeg. mother remembered. Mother is very good at cooking Gudeg. it is not inferior to the famous Gudeg in Jogja. Gudeg is one of my favorite foods. sweet and very tasty. yummy. Jogja is a typical Gudeg food that tastes very delicious. If a trip to Jogja do not forget to taste it Gudeg. here I want to talk about my favorite food Gudeg.

Gudeg is a traditional food from Yogyakarta and Central Java, Indonesia which is made from young Nangka (jack fruit) boiled for several hours with palm sugar, and coconut milk. Additional spices include garlic, shallot, candlenut, coriander seed, galangal, bay leaves, and teak leaves, the latter giving a reddish brown color to the dish. It is also called Green Jack Fruit Sweet Stew.
Gudeg is served with white rice, chicken, hard-boiled egg, tofu and/or tempeh, and a stew made of crisp beef skins (sambal goreng krecek).

There are several types of gudeg; dry, wet, Yogyakarta style, Solo style and East-Javanese style. Dry gudeg has only a bit of coconut milk and thus has little sauce. Wet gudeg includes more coconut milk. The most common gudeg came from Yogyakarta, and usually sweeter, more dry and reddish in color because the addition of teak leaves. The Solo gudeg from the city of Surakarta is more watery and soupy with lots of coconut milk and whitish in color because teak leaves is absent. The East-Javanese style gudeg employs a spicier and hotter taste, compared to the Yogyakarta-style gudeg, which is sweeter. Gudeg is traditionally associated with Yogyakarta, and Yogyakarta often nicknamed as "Kota Gudeg" (city of gudeg). The center of Yogyakarta gudeg restaurants are in Wijilan area, east side of Yogyakarta Kraton (Sultans' palace).

Rabu, 04 April 2012

Tugas Softskill Bhs. Inggris bisnis 2 Part 2

Tugas Softskill Bhs. Inggris bisnis 2 Part 2

1. Nobody know when the process of glass-making was invented.
The incorrect word :
A. Know
The correct answer : Nobody knows when the process of glass-making was invented.
Know ( A ) because nobody is singular subject and the verb must be followed by singular verb (+e/es).

2. The languages of the world presents a vast array of structural similarities and differences.
The incorrect word :
A. presents
The correct answer : The languages of the world present a vast array of structural similarities and differences.
Presents ( A ) because the languages is plural subject and the verb must be followed by plural verb (-s/es).

3. The rise of multinationals have resulted in a great deal of legal ambiguity because multinationals can operate in so many jurisdictions.
The incorrect word :
A. Have
The correct answer : The rise of multinationals has resulted in a great deal of legal ambiguity because multinationals can operate in so many jurisdictions.
Have ( A ) because the rise is a singular subject and the verb must be followed by singular verb (has).

4. All of the east-west interstate highways in the United States has even numbers,while north-south interstate highways are odd-numbered.
The incorrect word :
A. Has
The correct answer : All of the east-west interstate highways in the United States have even numbers,while north-south interstate highways are odd-numbered.
Has (A) Because, All of the east-west interstate highways in the United States is plural subject and the verb must be followed have, not has.

5. When a massive star in the large Magellanic Cloud exploded in 1987, a wave of neutrinos were defected on Earth.
The incorrect word :
D. Were
The correct answer : When a massive star in the large Magellanic Cloud exploded in 1987, a wave of neutrinos was defected on Earth.
Were (D) Because, a wave of neutrinos is singular subject and the verb must be followed by was, not were.

6. Every open space in the targeted area that has grass and a few bushes are occupied by the white-crowned sparrow.
The incorrect word :
C. Are
The correct answer : Every open space in the targeted area that has grass and a few bushes is occupied by the white-crowned sparrow.
Are ( C ) because a few bushes is a singular subject and must be followed by singular verb (is).

7. Krakatoa is remembered as the volcano that put so much ash into the air that sunsets around the world was affected for two years afterward.
The incorrect word :
B. Put
The correct answer : Krakatoa is remembered as the volcano that puts so much ash into the air that sunsets around the world was affected for two years afterward.
Put ( B ) because the volcano is singular subject and must be followed by singular verb (+es/s).

8. The term “Yankee” was originally a nickname for people from New England, but now anyone from the United States are referred to as a Yankee.
The incorrect word :
B. Are
The correct answer : The term “Yankee” was originally a nickname for people from New England, but now anyone from the United States is referred to as a Yankee.
Are ( B ) because anyone is a singular verb

9. A network of small arteries,mostly sandwiched between the skin and the underlying muscles,supply blood to the face and scalp.
The incorrect word :
C. Supply
The correct answer : A network of small arteries,mostly sandwiched between the skin and the underlying muscles, supplies blood to the face and scalp.
Supply ( C ) is incorrect word because the underlying is singular subject and must be followed by singular verb (+s/es).

10. Mesquite is a small tree in the Southwest who can withstand the severest drought.
The incorrect word :
D. Withstand
The correct answer : Mesquite is a small tree in the Southwest who can withstands the severest drought.
Withstand ( D ) because mesquite is singular subject and must be followed by singular verb (+s/es).

Rabu, 28 Maret 2012

Dishub DKI Larang Pemogokan Angkot pada 1 April

Muhammad Taufiqqurahman - detikNews
Rabu, 28/03/2012 13:37 WIB

Jakarta Pengemudi angkutan umum mengancam akan melakukan mogok besar pada 1 April mendatang jika tidak ada kenaikan tarif angkutan kala harga BBM naik. Namun, pihak Dishub DKI memperingatkan bahwa pengemudi tidak boleh meninggalkan pelayanannya karena telah diatur dalam peraturan.

"Angkutan umum itu sudah ada aturannya, tidak boleh meninggalkan pelayanannnya," ujar Kepala Dinas Perhubungan DKI Jakarta, Udar Pristono.

Hal tersebut dikatakannya sebelum acara peresmian "Angkutan Perbatasan yang Terintegrasi dengan Transjakarta Busway" di Pool Hibah Utama, Cakung, Jakarta Timur, Rabu (28/3/2012).

Terkait permintaan pengemudi untuk menaikkan tarif sebanyak 35 persen, Pristiono menjelaskan hal tersebut telah mempunyai formula perhitungannya sendiri.

"Artinya kalau ada kenaikan harga BBM kita ikuti misalnya soal tarif dan sebagainya. Hitungannya tidak terlalu sulit sudah ada formulanya. Komponen dan formulanya ada salah satunya komponen BBM," terangnya.

Lebih lanjut, menurut Pristiono, komponen tarif terkait dengan biaya langsung dan tidak langsung. Biaya langsung terkait soal harga BBM.

"Biaya tidak langsung adalah soal gaji, soal biaya admistratif dan kesemuanya itu ditotal," jelasnya.

Pristono menegaskan, masalah kenaikan tarif angkutan umum akan dibahas oleh pihaknya ketika harga BBM resmi dinaikkan pemerintah.

"Masalah tarif urusan kami nanti begitu ada kenaikan. Harus ada usulan dari Organda dulu, Kalau tidak ada usulan masa kami mau kami naikkan," kata Pristono.


My opinion:

If i think there is some truth to that if bbm up the cost of transport also rose. But don't get stopped providing transportation services on april 1, Because it will be very inhibits the activity of many people , especially students and employees. Transport in jakarta , as transportation important , because a lot of people that rely on public transportation to undergo activity. If public transport stops providing services, it will be trouble some people who have no private vehicles. It is not wise transports if prices remain the same , because then definitely transport services income will decline. Fuel up and preferably if the Government also provide adequate transportation services at a price acceptable to society. Therefore , people objected to the increase in fuel oil prices can choose alternatives wear that transport provided by the government. And the price for busway should also do not rise , this will be an alternative for the public who scruples if rides a vehicle personal with bbm who rides.

aBouT mE

Hello, my name is Bernadeta Titi Nurani. I’m twenty one years old. I was born at sleman on April 7 nine teen ninety. I live in Kranggan no. 82 Jatiraden Jatisampurna Bekasi. I have a happy family. This time i went to college at the university of gunadarma. I have good friends .My activity after college is reading a novel, browsing, a walk to the mall and youth organisation. My Father name is Sumarjo and my mother is Theresia Wijiriah. I have one brother and two sister. I grow up in the small village in Jogjakarta with my happy family.

My Father was worked as a teacher but now is already retired and my mother is house wife. My sister and my brother were good in academic and very satisfied. So I wanabe better than them. My brother job at Standart Chartered Bank and my sister at Danpac Pharma as marketing. So they inspire me to better. i want to be an aspiration of marketing. I will be saving from my salary to build a business.

Now i 've been at the level of the end at the university of gunadarma depok. I 'm going to try and this year could be graduated with honors. It is my hope and certain people who care deeply with me. Especially my parents. I am very happy to have a family that is very caring and loving me though is often times I disappoint them. I'm really lucky to have the best people in my life .

Currently my parents far away from me. they lived in Yogyakarta. I often miss them. My grandma was now staying with my parents, since his condition is not like it used to. My parents were great, they have a business ' Kripik Belut Bu Wiji ' handled directly by my parents and assisted some of the neighbors. they are still struggling for the cost of my lectures, this is why i would like to quickly pass it in order that the burden they are lighter.

Rabu, 14 Maret 2012

Jogjakarta Beloved

Because i remained in Jogjakarta , i want to tell you about a recreational area in Jogjakarta , one of them is Malioboro . The road Malioboro situated aligned with the shaft of an imaginary line the north side the palace is simbul merapi as the main simbul aligned straight line drawn by cairns JL. Mangkubumi-JL. Malioboro-JL. Jend a. Yani until the southern Palace of Yogyakarta Hadiningrat. The road malioboro it 's very famous , even abroad . A lot of foreign tourists which came here enjoying the legendary this . On the west side there are sosro wijayan as kampung tourists for the tourists as bagpacker stay here . Access to Malioboro faster than jl.sosro wijayan malioboro this because it is the west side . Any afternoonin a lot of tourists just relax and enjoy afternoonin in the sosro wijayan either toward malioboro or just relax enjoy afternoon while drinking tea in small cafs the roadside . Malioboro shopping area are lined all the way from the North to the South. In front of the shops there are five vendors that offer the typical souvenirs souvenirs or Yogya. Malioboro is a densely populated area, both vehicles or pedestrians.

Ordinary days, already dense, let alone fit the holiday season very solid edging. The holiday solid is usually fitted Idhul Fitr feast day, school holidays and the year-end holidays. Many tourists who enjoy the ambiance in Malioboro Street by walking along the road on foot. Take a look at Malioboro especially days he never deserted from human activities, precisely in the evening increasingly show the beauty of this area. If you want to see the street deserted Sunday morning because the roads fit was closed to vehicles and translated to enable the good morning exercise (jogging) path or cycle.

Malioboro have a lot of memories and it is very meaningful to me . Want it to be home to jogja to meet the parents beloved , brother and the friends of mine . Has long i want to go home to jogjakarta , but things that make i got to postpone go to jogja . I miss jogjakarta which is magnificent and peaceful .

Tugas Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

2. Each day practiced the piano for hours.
# Each day he/she practises the piano for hours.
# The sentence are wrong (W) because there are no subject in sentence and present tense use verb I not verb II/III.

4. The watch is the jewelry box needs a new new battery
# The watch in the jewelry box needs a new battery
# The sentence are right (R) because the sentence has a subject and verb.

7. radio as the first practical system of wireless telegraphy.
a. Marconi’s development
b. Developing Marconi
c. The development by Marconi.
d. Marconi developed

The best answer is Marconi developed (D) because the sentence have a subject and verb.
Answer :
A : There is not subject and development adjective
B: Development = adjective
C: wrong arrangement of a sentence

Jumat, 20 Januari 2012

Program Corporate Social Responsibility

Program Corporate Social Responsibility

Definisi CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) adalah suatu tindakan atau konsep yang dilakukan oleh perusahaan (sesuai kemampuan perusahaan tersebut) sebagai bentuk tanggungjawab mereka terhadap sosial/lingkungan sekitar dimana perusahaan itu berada. COntoh bentuk tanggungjawab itu bermacam-macam, mulai dari melakukan kegiatan yang dapat meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat dan perbaikan lingkungan, pemberian beasiswa untuk anak tidak mampu, pemberian dana untuk pemeliharaan fasilitas umum, sumbangan untuk desa/fasilitas masyarakat yang bersifat sosial dan berguna untuk masyarakat banyak, khususnya masyarakat yang berada di sekitar perusahaan tersebut berada. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) merupakan fenomena strategi perusahaan yang mengakomodasi kebutuhan dan kepentingan stakeholder-nya. CSR timbul sejak era dimana kesadaran akan sustainability perusahaan jangka panjang adalah lebih penting daripada sekedar profitability.
Pembangunan suatu negara bukan hanya tanggung jawab pemerintah saja, setiap insan manusia berperan untuk mewujudkan kesejahteraan sosial dan peningkatan kualitas hidup masyarakat. Dunia usaha berperan untuk mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi yang sehat dengan mempertimbangan pula faktor lingkungan hidup. Kini dunia usaha tidak lagi hanya memperhatikan catatan keuangan perusahaan semata (single bottom line), melainkan sudah meliputi aspek keuangan, aspek sosial, dan aspek lingkungan biasa disebut triple bottom line. Sinergi dari tiga elemen ini merupakan kunci dari konsep pembangunan berkelanjutan (sustainable development).
Seiring dengan pesatnya perkembangan sektor dunia usaha sebagai akibat liberalisasi ekonomi, berbagai kalangan swasta, organisasi masyarakat, dan dunia pendidikan berupaya merumuskan dan mempromosikan tanggung jawab sosial sektor usaha dalam hubungannya dengan masyarakat dan lingkungan.
Namun saat ini – saat perubahan sedang melanda dunia – kalangan usaha juga tengah dihimpit oleh berbagai tekanan, mulai dari kepentingan untuk meningkatkan daya saing, tuntutan untuk menerapkan corporate governance, hingga masalah kepentingan stakeholder yang makin meningkat. Oleh karena itu, dunia usaha perlu mencari pola-pola kemitraan (partnership) dengan seluruh stakeholder agar dapat berperan dalam pembangunan, sekaligus meningkatkan kinerjanya agar tetap dapat bertahan dan bahkan berkembang menjadi perusa haan yang mampu bersaing.
Upaya tersebut secara umum dapat disebut sebagai corporate social responsibility atau corporate citizenship dan dimaksudkan untuk mendorong dunia usaha lebih etis dalam menjalankan aktivitasnya agar tidak berpengaruh atau berdampak buruk pada masyarakat dan lingkungan hidupnya, sehingga pada akhirnya dunia usaha akan dapat bertahan secara berkelanjutan untuk memperoleh manfaat ekonomi yang menjadi tujuan dibentuknya dunia usaha.
Konsep tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan telah mulai dikenal sejak awal 1970an, yang secara umum diartikan sebagai kumpulan kebijakan dan praktek yang berhubungan dengan stakeholder, nilai-nilai, pemenuhan ketentuan hukum, penghargaan masyarakat dan lingkungan; serta komitmen dunia usaha untuk berkontribusi dalam pembangunan secara berkelanjutan. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) tidak hanya merupakan kegiatan karikatif perusahaan dan tidak terbatas hanya pada pemenuhan aturan hukum semata.
Implementasi konsep sustainable development dalam Program CSR
Masih banyak perusahaan tidak mau menjalankan program-program CSR karena melihat hal tersebut hanya sebagai pengeluaran biaya (cost center). CSR memang tidak memberikan hasil secara keuangan dalam jangka pendek. Namun CSR akan memberikan hasil baik langsung maupun tidak langsung pada keuangan perusahaan di masa mendatang. Dengan demikian apabila perusahaan melakukan program-program CSR diharapkan keberlanjutan perusahaan akan terjamin dengan baik. Oleh karena itu, program-program CSR lebih tepat apabila digolongkan sebagai investasi dan harus menjadi strategi bisnis dari suatu perusahaan.
Dengan masuknya program CSR sebagai bagian dari strategi bisnis, maka akan dengan mudah bagi unit-unit usaha yang berada dalam suatu perusahaan untuk mengimplementasi kan rencana kegiatan dari program CSR yang dirancangnya. Dilihat dari sisi pertanggung jawaban keuangan atas setiap investasi yang dikeluarkan dari program CSR menjadi lebih jelas dan tegas, sehingga pada akhirnya keberlanjutan yang diharapkan akan dapat terimplementasi berdasarkan harapan semua stakeholder.
Mengapa Program CSR harus Sustainable.
Pada saat ini telah banyak perusahaan di Indonesia, khususnya perusahaan besar yang telah melakukan berbagai bentuk kegiatan CSR, apakah itu dalam bentuk community development, charity, atau kegiatan-kegiatan philanthropy. Timbul pertanyaan apakah yang menjadi perbandingan/perbedaan antara program community development, philanthropy, dan CSR dan mana yang dapat menunjang berkelanjutan (sustainable)?
Tidak mudah memang untuk memberikan jawaban yang tegas terhadap pertanyaan diatas, namun penulis beranggapan bahwa “CSR is the ultimate level towards sustainability of development”. Umumnya kegiatan-kegiatan community development, charity maupun philanthropy yang saat ini mulai berkembang di bumi. Indonesia masih merupakan kegiatan yang bersifat pengabdian kepada masyarakat ataupun lingkungan yang berada tidak jauh dari lokasi tempat dunia usaha melakukan kegiatannya. Dan sering kali kegiatannya belum dikaitkan dengan tiga elemen yang menjadi kunci dari pembangunan berkelanjutan tersebut. Namun hal ini adalah langkah awal positif yang perlu dikembangkan dan diperluas hingga benar-benar dapat dijadikan kegiatan Corporate Social Responsibility yang benar-benar sustainable.
Selain itu program CSR baru dapat menjadi berkelanjutan apabila, program yang dibuat oleh suatu perusahaan benar-benar merupakan komitmen bersama dari segenap unsur yang ada di dalam perusahaan itu sendiri. Tentunya tanpa adanya komitmen dan dukungan dengan penuh antusias dari karyawan akan menjadikan program-program tersebut bagaikan program penebusan dosa dari pemegang saham belaka. Dengan melibatkan karyawan secara intensif, maka nilai dari program-program tersebut akan memberikan arti tersendiri yang sangat besar bagi perusahaan.
Melakukan program CSR yang berkelanjutan akan memberikan dampak positif dan manfaat yang lebih besar baik kepada perusahaan itu sendiri maupun para stakeholder yang terkait. Sebagai contoh nyata dari program CSR yang dapat dilakukan oleh perusahaan dengan semangat keberlanjutan antara lain, yaitu: pengembangan bioenergi, melalui kegiatan penciptaan Desa Mandiri Energi yang merupakan cikal bakal dari pembentukan eco-village di masa mendatang bagi Indonesia.
Program CSR yang berkelanjutan diharapkan akan dapat membentuk atau menciptakan kehidupan masyarakat yang lebih sejahtera dan mandiri. Setiap kegiatan tersebut akan melibatkan semangat sinergi dari semua pihak secara terus menerus membangun dan menciptakan kesejahteraan dan pada akhirnya akan tercipta kemandirian dari masyarakat yang terlibat dalam program tersebut.
Program CSR tidak selalu merupakan promosi perusahaan yang terselubung, bila ada iklan atau kegiatan PR mengenai program CSR yang dilakukan satu perusahaan, itu merupakan himbauan kepada dunia usaha secara umum bahwa kegiatan tersebut merupakan keharusan/tanggung jawab bagi setiap pengusaha. Sehingga dapat memberikan pancingan kepada pengusaha lain untuk dapat berbuat hal yang sama bagi kepentingan masyarakat luas, agar pembangunan berkelanjutan dapat terealisasi dengan baik. Karena untuk menciptakan masyarakat yang sejahtera dan mandiri semua dunia usaha harus secara bersama mendukung kegiatan yang terkait hal tersebut. Dimana pada akhirnya dunia usaha pun akan menikmati keberlanjutan dan kelangsungan usahanya dengan baik.

Manfaat dari program CSR bagi perusahaan di Indonesia
Memang pada saat ini di Indonesia, praktek CSR belum menjadi suatu keharusan yang umum, namun dalam abad informasi dan teknologi serta adanya desakan globalisasi, maka tuntutan terhadap perusahaan untuk menjalankan CSR akan semakin besar. Tidak menutup kemungkinan bahwa CSR menjadi kewajiban baru standar bisnis yang harus dipenuhi seperti layaknya standar ISO. Dan diperkirakan pada akhir tahun 2008 mendatang akan diluncurkan ISO 26000 on Social Responsibility, sehingga tuntutan dunia usaha menjadi semakin jelas akan pentingnya program CSR dijalankan oleh perusahaan apabila menginginkan keberlanjutan dari perusahaan tersebut.
CSR akan menjadi strategi bisnis yang inheren dalam perusahaan untuk menjaga atau meningkatkan daya saing melalui reputasi dan kesetiaan merek produk (loyalitas) atau citra perusahaan. Kedua hal tersebut akan menjadi keunggulan kompetitif perusahaan yang sulit untuk ditiru oleh para pesaing. Di lain pihak, adanya pertumbuhan keinginan dari konsumen untuk membeli produk berdasarkan kriteria-kriteria berbasis nilai-nilai dan etika akan merubah perilaku konsumen di masa mendatang. Implementasi kebijakan CSR adalah suatu proses yang terus menerus dan berkelanjutan. Dengan demikian akan tercipta satu ekosistem yang menguntungkan semua pihak (true win win situation) – konsumen mendapatkan produk unggul yang ramah lingkungan, produsen pun mendapatkan profit yang sesuai yang pada akhirnya akan dikembalikan ke tangan masyarakat secara tidak langsung.
Sekali lagi untuk mencapai keberhasilan dalam melakukan program CSR, diperlukannya komitmen yang kuat, partisipasi aktif, serta ketulusan dari semua pihak yang peduli terhadap program-program CSR. Program CSR menjadi begitu penting karena kewajiban manusia untuk bertanggung jawab atas keutuhan kondisi-kondisi kehidupan umat manusia di masa datang.
Perusahaaan perlu bertanggung jawab bahwa di masa mendatang tetap ada manusia di muka bumi ini, sehingga dunia tetap harus menjadi manusiawi, untuk menjamin keberlangsungan kehidupan kini dan di hari esok.

CSR akan lebih berdampak positif bagi masyarakat; ini akan sangat tergantung dari orientasi dan kapasitas lembaga dan organisasi lain, terutama pemerintah. Studi Bank Dunia (Howard Fox, 2002) menunjukkan, peran pemerintah yang terkait dengan CSR meliputi pengembangan kebijakan yang menyehatkan pasar, keikutsertaan sumber daya, dukungan politik bagi pelaku CSR, menciptakan insentif dan peningkatan kemampuan organisasi. Untuk Indonesia, bisa dibayangkan, pelaksanaan CSR membutuhkan dukungan pemerintah daerah, kepastian hukum, dan jaminan ketertiban sosial. Pemerintah dapat mengambil peran penting tanpa harus melakukan regulasi di tengah situasi hukum dan politik saat ini. Di tengah persoalan kemiskinan dan keterbelakangan yang dialami Indonesia, pemerintah harus berperan sebagai koordinator penanganan krisis melalui CSR (Corporate Social Responsibilty). Pemerintah bisa menetapkan bidang-bidang penanganan yang menjadi fokus, dengan masukan pihak yang kompeten. Setelah itu, pemerintah memfasilitasi, mendukung, dan memberi penghargaan pada kalangan bisnis yang mau terlibat dalam upaya besar ini. Pemerintah juga dapat mengawasi proses interaksi antara pelaku bisnis dan kelompok-kelompok lain agar terjadi proses interaksi yang lebih adil dan menghindarkan proses manipulasi atau pengancaman satu pihak terhadap yang lain.
