Kamis, 31 Mei 2012

Enjoy Relaxing with Bertha :)

Enjoy the evening while looking the sunset accompanied by a cup of tea, it's still not enough. So you need to escort a really yummy ... Yep Yep use materials that are easy to come by and do not need to spend a lot. Pizza noodle fit served in the evening or in the morning for breakfast.

Pizza noodles prescription :

1.    1 packet of fried noodles
2.    1 packet of seasonings (onion fritters fried noodles and seasoning powder. Soy sauce and oil need not  be included)
3.    1 egg-size large
4.    ¼  teaspoon salt
5.    Chedar cheese grated
6.    Tomato sauce
7.    Butter

How to make
1.    Boil noodles until half cooked. Then remove and drain. Noodle pieces with a knife.
2.    Mix seasoning fried noodles, salt and 4 drops of the tomato sauce into egg and then beat with a spoon until well blended.
3.    Put the noodles into the egg mixture and mix well.
4.    Prepare a frying pan (teflon) anti sticky then spread with butter. Then reheat over low heat.
5.   Pour the batter into the skillet and then roll out the noodles. Spread with a little tomato sauce. Give sprinkles of cheese to taste
6.    When it is cooked, remove and serve with tomato sauce and grated cheese sprinkles.
7.    Enjoy

Tip :
1.    A batter to try to heat so as not to a small flame burned .
2.    Flipping a batter a one-off not be done in order to be troublesome .
3.    Flipping to means easy namely by aid large plate or cover saucepans engraved clean . Turn a frying pan into a plate then drop pizza into a plate . Return it to a griddle again by means shake plates .
4.    If you like to be given additional spicy sauce spicy sweet .
5.    Pizza noodles can also be added to other ingredients such as sausage and vegetables.

                           Enjoying life is not always expensive

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